Green Collar Landscaping

Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Enables Sustainable Hamilton Lawn Maintenance

Pesticides have always been a controversial topic, from the political arena to the agricultural and forestry circles. On one hand, these liquids contain synthetic chemicals that help farmers, gardeners, lawn maintenance technicians, and homeowners control pests and weeds that invade their gardens. On the other, they can also cause adverse health effects in humans.

Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Enables Sustainable Hamilton Lawn Maintenance

However, in a CBC News article dated April 21, 2014, the Manitoba government recognized the detrimental effects of cosmetic pesticides and proposed a measure to safeguard locals’ health:

“The Manitoba government has introduced legislation on Tuesday restricting the use of certain chemicals for weed control on lawns.

Pesticides would also not be allowed on grass around hospitals, sidewalks, schools and daycares under the new legislation.

“Synthetic chemical pesticides pose a risk to human health, especially in the early stages of life,” said Mackintosh.

The legislation doesn’t ban pesticides outright, but it would require use of pesticides thought to be less potentially harmful.”

The staunch support garnered by Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh reinforces the drive of several Canadian provinces to combat the use of chemicals for lawn weed control. The council is emulating Ontario, one of the first provinces to implement a province-wide ban on cosmetic pesticides. Ontario’s legislature passed the Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Act in 2009, which prohibits the use and sale of pesticides for cosmetic use, especially in professional Hamilton lawn care. Most homeowners who want their lawns and gardens to look flawless and gorgeous at all times sometimes resort to using these chemicals, which pose unnecessary risks to human health and environment.

It’s a fact that weeds are the bane of homeowners and landscape professionals alike. They often grow where the soil is moist, where there is adequate sunlight, and where the soil is rich. However, most professional Hamilton lawn maintenance technicians, like those from Green Collar Landscaping, can combat these by utilizing organic weed control methods which do not harm the environment. They can fertilize around targeted plants that restrict nitrogen or ammonia from moving elsewhere.

They can also distribute a thick layer of mulch to keep the light from reaching the weeds. When they can’t produce enough chlorophyll, they usually die, making it easy for workers to pull and remove them from the ground. Through these eco-friendly methods, they mitigate any chances for weed seeds to germinate and maintain the health of lawns, yards, and the homeowners.

(Source: Manitoba weeds out cosmetic pesticides in new legislation, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News, 21 April 2014)

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